Popularising Nigeria Premier League

It is a fact that the Nigerian local football league is not popular among Nigerians like other leagues in the world. Different sport analysts have expressed dismay at the level of support that football leagues in other parts of the world enjoy from Nigerians while the local league is barely noticed.

Nigeria can be classified as a football loving nation but the Nigeria Premier League (NPL) does not garner the level of followership and support that football leagues especially in England – the English Premier League (EPL); Spain – The La Liga; Serie ‘A’ in Italy, and the Bundesliga in Germany commands even among Nigerians. Loyalists to these foreign clubs are dedicated and will passionately defend their clubs when football discussions are ongoing. Jerseys of favorites clubs are proudly worn by supporters (male, female and even children) while public places like viewing centers, popular bars and recreation centers where football matches are watched are named after different football team stadiums.  An average football lover in Nigeria can effectively discuss his/her favorite league (s).

On the other hand, the level of followership and support to teams in the Nigeria premier league is disheartening. Majority of Nigerians who are loyalists to teams and leagues abroad does neither support nor have any favorite team in Nigeria.

This negative trend is largely attributed to poor management and coordination of the league, incompetent officiating, poor facilities, and inadequate media coverage among others. Tackling all these identified issues will greatly improve support and interest in the Nigeria league. There is also need for prominent Nigerians to pick interest, and invest heavily to improve the standard of the Nigeria Local league. 

It is imperative for a football loving nation like Nigeria to have her local league well developed, thus generating massive support and followership from the citizens of the country
